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  • Fazekas Dániel: Core Memory


    2024/05/29 19:00 - 2024/05/31 22:00

    Dániel Fazekas: Core Memory
    Német Street 16. 1084, Nyolcésfél, ground floor, the two rooms behind the elevator
    From May 29 to May 31, 2024
    Opening: May 29 at 7:00 PM
    Opening speach by: Gábor Rieder
    The exhibition can be viewed on the days following the opening by prior arrangement.

    In Dániel Fazekas's exhibition titled "Core Memory," a whole life fits. Each painting in the collection is an imprint shaped, compressed, and fixed in spacetime by the goodwill or deceit of personal memory. The infectious uncertainty of the present seeps back into the past, shaking the foundations of what was once a safe home, turning off the light in the bedroom so that toys become shadow monsters, shading the pages of storybooks, and weakening the protectively embracing arms. Once it is done here, it reaches into the future to barricade escape routes, prepare the ground for uncertainty and absence, and sow the seeds of doubt and emptiness. Then it returns to itself, dressed in innocence, leaning back contentedly. Hidden by its own complacency, it fails to see how many dried-up hopes clung to windowpanes, settled in corners, and hid in wardrobes.

    The material of "Core Memory" is divided into two parts, both content-wise and visually independent, occupying two separate spaces. However, more connects the two than the ground floor corridor of Nyolcésfél; the passage is both physical and mental, its boundaries being brick walls and symbolic systems. The first location is full of windows, sunshine, and contradictions, the terrain of dreaming. In the paintings, individual fantasies and desires clash with the objects of longing imposed by capitalism on different social classes. The second location is dark and industrial, the air tight with anxiety and repression. The paintings focus on the adult who is everything that ever happened or didn't happen to them.

    In Dániel Fazekas's seven-seven selected paintings, fairy-tale buildings blaze like torches, burning from the inside out with transgenerational traumas. Thinking and emotional patterns fall out of the window, through which social loneliness escapes. Overconsumption sneaks out through the keyhole, while overproduction crawls in under the threshold. Workaholism and hedonism push the doorknob from both sides until the devil himself kicks the door in. Yet, the fall from grace is not entirely unavoidable—Mickey Mouse's gloved finger points to the back exit.

    Text by: Nóra Gábriel